So just a short entry this time.... I found out just last week that my sweet loving little cat, Frankie has cancer. I am heartbroken and feeling helpless because he has a tumor that the vet says isn't really removable at his age... It is on his one of his back legs and I'm so sad because he just limps around now and it breaks my heart. I've always been able before to fix him by taking him to the vet and this is the first time that I can't do anything for him. I can barely afford his pain medication, (but thankfully my mom came through and paid for it.) Let alone the cytology lab work that I want to have done where they'll analyze the sample of tissue that they did a biopsy of and be able to tell what kind of cancer he has. The reason that's even important at all is that way the vet will know if there's any way to possibly slow the cancer down. I'm exhausted from crying over what I feel is more or less a death sentence for my closest and sweetest, dear companion. 15 years I've had Frankie with me.... I'm 33 years old today, so that's damn near half my life. So.. I'm crying now and need to change subjects...
FightingThe other main thing going on now has just been the constant turmoil and fighting, screaming, yelling, hating and tormenting that is the relationship that I now have with Jeff. I am SO exhausted from fighting with him... and fighting and fighting.... I remember a blog not so very long ago where he swooped in and was my knight in shining t-shirt after the fire. And I remember how good and amazing a man I thought he was. And what has happened to that man? I'm so very tired of the man I am with now. He is so completely different and selfish and incredibly self-centered and ARROGANT.... granted I haven't been the perfect girlfriend. And I know that I too have changed. But I still feel like I act more out of love than out of hate and I don't feel that he does the same... I also blame heroin for a lot of his selfish behavior now... I always said I would NEVER date someone who used heroin and I broke that rule for him... and now.. do I regret all this time with him? No. But I feel as if I'm in another DOOMED relationship and I'm so angry at him for leading me to think that he was different... and that he might be the guy who I could spend the rest of my life with (and I really thought that! I don't just think that with every guy.)
Anyway today has been another day of ruthless, angry, hateful below the belt fighting.... and as I might have mentioned, I'm exhausted. :-(
I HOPE THINGS GET BETTER. Using heroin changes a person. Most likely why he is so mean.
Girl... Do tell what has happened in your relationship.. The tweeker/heroin addict scenario is the same for me, except flipped around- he's the tweeker. Curious how that has played out, what are some issues that may arise, perhaps see more of his side, and any advice... Kinda "saved" him as well, from homelessness, and things progressed.
Sorry about your baby kiity, mine died a few years ago.... Probably cancer as well, flame point Siamese. Miss her terribly
It's been past a year ! Where are you I must read more! Hope all is well. I'm sorry about Frankie. My lulu has been missing for 2 weeks :(
You still alive Random Girl ?? x
Hi, i just wanted to say- i think its awesome that you have decided to write about this part of your life, it has inspired me to do the same, i am a 44 year old male from Minnesota who has been in the same boat as you for 15 + years now, ive had the mixed blessing of being a functional addict- did the marriage/kid/job thing and despite a divorce after 12 years (me from her- because of her compulsive gambling addiction ironically) ive been living the life i want for over 10 years now- the last seven with my soul mate who has the same addictions we do. ive read that a very high percent of these relationships fail because they are so intense- my girl is 9 years younger than me- but even though things are pretty manic we still manage to stay together, i guess it comes down to what you are willing to tolerate to get what you want without losing yourself, i hope things get better for you soon, ill check back when i can. remember, go forward-never go straight... -B
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