Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ever Seem Like You Just Can't Leave?

Just Can't Seem To Get Out of the House    So yesterday I was trying to just get dressed and go to a friend's house and try and get some shit for Herc and me. I of course, dawdled, and got distracted and couldn't get out of my own way. Finally, I was more or less out the door except I decided I should eat something before I left & sat down to have a bowl of cereal. Herc lost patience with me and snapped at me about how I was taking too long and he'd have been there and back by now etc etc... Told me he was going to just go himself.
     So I angrily kept notes secretly as he was getting ready to leave. At first it was in anger so I'd have proof for myself that he really DOES take just as long as I do to go anywhere. But today it's just funny as hell to look back on... WHY DO WE GET STUCK SO OFTEN? Takes for damned ever to get out of the house sometimes.....

  • 1:42pm     Herc says I'm taking too long and to nevermind he's just going to go himself.
  • 1:49pm    Gets dressed and then "hurries" to the kitchen table; hurries up and sits down to smoke some black that is.
  • 2:05pm     After arguing w/ me, Herc hustles out the door only to come immediately back in and start rustling through stuff. (Obviously much more focused on going to run this errand than I was... God it's a good thing he didn't wait for me to eat that bowl of cereal... )
  • 2:09pm     After arguing with me again for a couple pointless minutes about stupid bullshit he says my favorite phrase, "You know, if you wanted to while I'm gone...." (*GROAN*)
    The 'If you wanted to while I'm gone' lead-in is usually followed by a few suggestions as to possible tasks that I might find to be the wisest use of my time in his absence. Usually ends with the ever-appreciative, "but I know you probably won't so..."
  • 2:11pm     He leaves (finally)
  • 2:11pm     Comes back in again? for what?...... Ah now he's decided he needs to take the lock off of the door so that he can get a key made for the deadbolt. (Is currently still doing that now & it's 2:15 - 35 minutes now after he said I was taking too long and that he was just going to go himself.
  • 2:20pm     Finally Herc actually leaves
  • 2:24pm     False alarm, he didn't actually leave - he's still outside. Doing what? I don't know but I can hear him outside rifling around through stuff .... aha now he just called my name (geez)
  • 2:35pm     Herc leaves for real? Heard the bike click-clicking as he pushed it away...

That's 53 minutes he took to leave - ALMOST AN HOUR lol - gee like I said it sure is a good thing he didn't wait for me to finish that bowl of cereal.


Anonymous said...

My boyfriend and I refer to this as tweaker time.
Him: "I'll meet you at 3pm."
Me: "Im probay running on tweaker time........"
3pm rolls around and Ive just gotten out of the shower, and I get a call saying he's running on tweaker time too! Lol

And this effect has even spilled over into my normal life, I never used to be late for anything.... But even if Im not tweaking, Im nearly late for everything!

Anonymous said...

hello random girl, how much time do i have to consume the six glasses, also can i put all the bicarb in just one or two glasses? or do i need all the liquid as well to help flush
thanks "johnny rotten"

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm curious to know the answers as well. reference to johnny rotten's questions

Anonymous said...

We call it getting"side-twacked" or stuck on a "crack-tivity"'ve had a list of shit I need to do today in front of me for 5 hours and checked off 2 out of 8 things....but I have edited some pics and found some sick trap music on sound

CountJackula said...

Yes I could not agree with you more.. I go through this too. Its like Im introverted in thoughts in my head and Spinning my Wheels totally unfocused , distracted , clumsy and cannot get anywhere... On Time that is...

Anonymous said...

Hi Random Girl,
I've have come across your blog three times now from googling different subjects. This time I was searching injection misses. I've got two large lumps. One on each arm. Sucks! So far been able to pass them off are bug bites. Yeah right... I am intrigued by your blog and hope it has a happy ending.

GDF spacey Jane said...

I thought I'd add that too get your misses to go away faster,apply heat like random girl said, also don't touch, squeeze or fuck with bump.being hydrated helps.push water, get it blood thin d out and pumping.finally taking potassium pills cures not only misses but also I many other meth side effects like speed bumps in your mouth, meth causesInflammation of skin kidneys urinary tract joints muscles mostly the heart.iv had to have fluid drained from my heart and lungs last year cuz of Meth use.anyways potassium is a tweeker a best friend. Just to also let it be know that my meth use triggered my immune system giving me lupus. I didn't know that could even happen.all cuz of inflammation, so take the fuckin vitamin. Lots of water,I set an alarm four times a day and push a half gallon of water or I'll go days without a drink.try a shorter needle and only use once or twice .behind the knee or in the armpit after huge easy hits and less Conspicuous if you do miss.hehe hope that helps someone.sorry for the novel.

Anonymous said...

Random girl..I'm going to try the baking soda "solution"..I have a piss test tomorrow ...I usually or should say always smoke it...I usually stop 2 days before I test 1 day clean..and test on the ass hole P.O. caught me slipping...had to test earlier then usual ...n e ..ways....someone told me drink "pedialite "...drank about 2 bottles & a Gatorade ...& I fuken pass ever time ...fuk it ..I'll try ur method!!

Anonymous said...

getting charged with identity theft isnt worth it unless you ofcourse want to get plunged. and we alll know u like that... or atleast the whole town will if you dont take this bullshit down.
i know who you are.
-the real constance

Anonymous said...

I'm confused about how it is possible to impersonate someone without ever using a name, picture or any real personal details...

Anonymous said...

So true! My husband & I have been chronically late for work since we started doing this shit. We keep saying it has to stop, ive adjusted my alarm time earlier & earlier but we still get there at the same time every day... 2-4 mins late! Where does the time go? I don't even feel like I waste time or get "side-twacked", if anything I feel like I'm moving faster to avoid the inevitable, then I check the clock and it's laughing at me- having moved 20 mins in 5 mins time! What a mean trick.... Luckily we are very hard workers and otherwise reliable at work, so they don't give us too much grief lol.

Anonymous said...

Tweaker time is the worse. It gets really bad once you can't remember how many days you've been up and what day it is. So you start using conversations you've had with each other to determine how long you've been up.

My theory on taking forever to leave is that when you are spun, EVERYTHING becomes interesting. Shit you never noticed or would've paid attention to. Except the tv. That's boring. Your sanctuary to stimulate your mind when you're sober becomes to most boring thing in the whole wide word. But interacting with the books on your shelf as you rearrange them? Awesome. The rubber band ball you've spent 4 months making and is now the size of a basketball. Awesome.

I got on this site because I'm trying to write a fictionalized account of when I was a tweaker (with a lot more badassery of course). I'm remembering the good and the bad and by golly the jonezing is hitting me terribly.

26 more days until my one year mark of being clean (ugh...)

Anonymous said...

it seems as though you 2 were made for each other,after all the guy just seems to be pushing you both all the while with no real direction to be more on time. This guy of yours we'll call him SuperH,seems to really love you he just has a messed up way of showing it. Stay the course me and mines did and are better for it.
