So Ok Where the fuck do I even begin? Well for starters, I'm getting evicted. Not because of anything I did or anything. My landlord had to undergo surgery to have a part of his lung removed and afterwards he got bad DT's and an infection and eventually was in a coma for 3 weeks. Meanwhile, his son (aka the Douchebag)gave everyone who lives at the house the boot. "30 Day Termination Without Cause" was the official note that was posted on my door. I still haven't really found another place to live, and my time is growing alarmingly short, but I'm trying to just remain calm.... hmmm.... Of course I haven't packed a damn thing... I'm one of those last minute packers, I tell myself everytime that I'm not going to procrastinate, but everytime, without fail, there I am at the last minute frantically throwing things into boxes and garbage bags lol. (More later)
(Much more)
OMG I know exactly what you mean about the last minute shit. I myself battle the world of meth addiction and everyday I tell my self Ive got to be on time for work!! And their I am fucking running late! EVERYDAY!! LOL it get so old being the addict I am and would love to stop but as anyone who knows what its like ...........
Its super cool that you have done this blog. I know its a diffrent kind of life as a user and struggle with my own issues daily!! And as far as being a NORMAL walking John q public citzen that I hide so much that I am a drug user to the ones who need not to find out!! I find it strang to open up and talk about it as for it may get me caught #@%&! and its nice to see and understand what you are talking about. Having related situations in all. LOL Anyways just wanted to share my opinion here about your Man I think its really wonderful that you do have him.And any asshole who comes on here and shreds your postings apart well they are fucking GAY!! And have no idea what so ever what its like to walk a day in your shoes. I wish you luck and if I could help you in any way I will. After all you have sloved a huge troubling problem I was having before reading your drug test trick! for that I Thank You
Good luck in your fight and a fight it is unfortunately it only gets harder but look at the bright side the sun also.rises
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