Friday, December 2, 2011
Finally - Passing The Meth Drug Test (What Worked For Me)
So I've finally added another page to this blog. It explains how to beat a drug test using the baking soda trick. This test will only tell you how to piss clean when being tested for meth. I was on probation and had to take a UA (urine analysis) test 5 times a month and beat it every time. It will only help you pee clean if you use crystal meth. Does not work for pot (I know this for sure) and other drugs I'm not certain. Check it out
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hey ill give u another trick. u can piss clean of anything overnight and not be dilute. u do baking soda hardcore night before but also supplement with creatine from health store. then do a piss first thing in morning to throw away drink a glass water and do test. that or drop a pube in the test jar and no lab will use the sample caus of contamination but it doesnt look like ur fault. all the best my american twin. xo lilly
How pathetic! Do you really think you are getting over by "beating" a UA??? You are the one that will remain a piece of trash methhead. And moving across country to be with a guy who calls you after dating him 5 years before--you really need to get some help and get a life. I bet a million dollars this "relationship" will not work and you'll be back in AZ (or wherever the next guy who wants to use you for a bit lives) and back on meth within 2 months. Sad.
Dear Anonymous, Thank you so much for your input. It's always nice to hear from a fan.. lol, things must be pretty awful for you there in North Carolina. But seriously, you apparently have a lot of anger already that I suspect has nothing to do with me. Hope you work that out. :) .
-Random Girl
Wow you seem really annoyed in your comment, did Random Girl do say to personally offend you? If you don't agree with something she wrote on HER blog wouldn't it be easier to stop reading it and continue on your day. It takes a very angry and unhappy individual to take time to write a rude, insulting, and judgmental comment as this one. You label her a piece of trash but truth to be told after reading her blog and reading your comment, if I had to choose to befriend Random Girl OR yourself, there's no doubt I'd be friends with "a piece of trash methhead"(as you put it) rather than YOU! Now that's sad....what does that say about you.
Michelle - I just noticed this comment. Lol - thanks for having my back! :)
Some people just seem to love to spread the hate around...wonder how that works for them?
thanks for the UA input! I'ma 36yr old female who just got out of prison and I am not trying to go back!
No problem. I hope it helps you... Just remember, it's not a fun thing to do physically - can be a little nauseating - but it has worked for me EVERY TIME.
Including the first time I got high on meth after I got out of prison. That time - just my luck - my color came up the VERY NEXT DAY! (Meaning that I'd have to go in and UA that day.) Anyway I had to do this good ol' baking soda thing again that day so that I'd piss clean and I was fine.
Thank you very much :) you're truely amazing for posting this...not really lookin forward to the diahrrea part though haha..but its better than getting locked up for sure..and to the person talkin shit to this woman tryin to help out other addicted meth users...fuck off! You must not have a life, coming on here just to talk don't know what its like to be addicted..anywayz, thank you :) Love your life
Ok this has worked for you EVERYTIME??? I'm going to try this..just a bit nervous. Thanks for the heads up.
I understand. I was REALLY nervous too the first time that I tried this... It's one of those things where you just can't actually believe it until you try it yourself. In fact I'd heard this whole baking soda rumor quite a few times from people who I considered not super reliable sources.
If it wasn't for a friend of mine who I trusted telling me that how to do it and that he'd done it the whole time he was on parole - I'd probably never have tried it.
Still, I was VERY nervous the day that I went in to see my probation officer and was holding my breath until the lady who was testing me said "Ok, you're negative"
Anyway good luck!
I just tryed baking soda for first time... ill keep u all posted
How long after 2nd glass is consumed do wait to drink next 4 glasses? Should the 2-2.5 hour window start after last glass or first glass?
Cause i got a job offer tomorow at 10am then their gonna send me for a drug test after they just said....(sigh).
hi , random girl, i have a question ..i know it may sound silly tho....i was wondering if possible to take with koolaid...hope you are well nd thank you ...if you could get back to me as soon as possible i would truly appreciate it .....anonymouslee
WOW!!!! hey Anonymous you should really look into anger management your reply is completely un-called for.And just because some people do meth doesn't mean they are a bad person..I agree w/michelle a 100%.. and thank u random girl for ur help in my situation.. OH YEAH AND OUTTA CURIOSITY IF YOUR SOOO CLEAN ANONYMOUS THEN Y THE HELL R U LOOKING UP SIGHTS TO HELP YOU PASS A METH TEST???? Just sayin
Sorry I didn't get back to you in time. My internet connection has been sort of hit or miss lately and I recently have been known to go for as many as 5 or 6 days without getting online (it's annoying)
But ANYWAY I honestly don't know the answer to your question about the koolaid. For obvious reasons it would improve on the taste, but I'm not actually sure if it would affect the whole process.... I would THINK that maybe it'd be all right, but my one concern is all the sugar that's in koolaid (or juice or other sweet alternatives.) I'm not really sure exactly WHY the baking soda works - not sure what the whole chemical process behind that is - and so I wonder if a lot of extra sugar would change that process and possibly cause it to not work? Or maybe it would have no effect at all...?
SOOO -how's that for being a vague, NON-answer to your question? Anytime you want me to ramble on and on for 3 paragraphs just to NOT answer a question you have again, you let me know (Lol Sorry )
I was curious if instead of drinking the baking soda with water you could just put the baking soda in capsules and take with water. It almost the same. What do you think?
I'm going to take a guess about the koolaid and explain. My guess is it will mess up what the baking soda does. My reasoning for this is that if you are trying to shoot crack one of the options for the liquid you can use in lieu of vinegar or lemon juice is koolaide. Or a little bit of koolaid powder and water. If you're shooting crack (cocaine Hcl mixed with and Baking soda) you have to "uncook" it, otherwise it isn't water soluble and cannot be injected. So if you're using baking soda as a base to change the ph of your urine, using koolaid could counteract the effect you're looking for.
I'm enjoying your blog/story though. If nothing else addiction almost certainly ensures an interesting life...not necessarily a good thing, but not necessarily a bad thing either.
If your on parole in texas or in Montgomery County there UAs can test up to five days for Meth. Beleve me I've just learned the hard way. Failed the first one in four days and the 2nd fucked up my dates. Then I found this site a little too late. But hey sometimes when you play you got to pay.
My Urine is sent to the lab will it still work ?
how much baking soda? mix it with water? thanks
I'm looking for the same answer. God I hope so
I just got out of jail and I'm looking at a year if I get one more violation, I've had 3 for failed ua's for Meth. I have to go take a ua tomorrow morning and I smoked Meth last night....truly I hate being an addict, but I don't deserve to be locked up for it. I really don't expect this to work...I've never literally been worried sick until today. I hope your right, and I love you for posting this...if it works anyway. Ill repost if it pans out..if not fuck you for giving me diarrhea on my first day back in the block
I have a very high metabolism and have been a addict for over 20 years. I have never been in any trouble until I caught a case(of being a dummy)in Galveston. I'm 40 years old and for the first time in my life I have to listen and do what some government fuck says I must do. They say it rots your teeth out(so does snickers if you don't brush them), they say it makes you crazy( AA constantly speaks of institutions but alcohols legal). This sucks I have always had a job, paid my bills, took care of my responsibility's and now at 40 have to take UA's and answer to some clean cut fuck who looks like his ma ma still wipes his ass for him. In high school I tested at a college level so I dropped out(I am a bit of a rebel) I have been a model, a internet model, a porn star,am a 15 year journeyman electrician. There are some years I've made over 200 grand and most made 100 or more which I've spend my life giving it all to those that have less because in actuality I don't need it, want it, or care for it. Money and rules make people ugly. Now I have to live with my dad because I cant find decent job, answer to higher authority's, take UA's, be scorned as a outcast by those who use to ask my advice all because of 1 drug possession charge for a drug that harms no one by me taking it including myself. Kids brush your teeth, eat everyday, try to sleep everyday but if not don't stay up days on end( that makes u crazy) your system must reboot just like a computer and love one another, help each other out. I'm am glad to have found this site and I really hope this trick works or I am going to prison for a long time (but it wouldn't be your fault I would be going anyway). If it does though you are amazing for posting this information. I am never going to stop and we don't deserve to be locked up like animals or treated like criminals, well at least not most of us. That goes with any section of society. Let you know how it fairs. Has it worked for you every time a Anonymous? You dirk diggler? I'll let you all know how it goes for me Thursday? I could stop today and have 72 hours being very highly metabolized but it would happen one day in the 3 years of probation anyway and besides what fun would that be. My spirit guide like the energy here and so I say to go with it. How's that for crazy lol.
Today the card is- The knight of Pentacles( coins ) reversed. Normally the most stand up guy in the deck but reversed... well...Today is a day to be careful and plan well, pay extra attention to detail, to use caution.
If you meet, do business with, or come across someone your just not sure of you need to watch this guy. Instead of diligence, you've got sloppiness. He may appear to be working, but he's coasting. And if you give him money to buy something, he's going to find a way to buy it cheap so that he can pocket half that money. He is bitter and envious of anyone who is already a success and living large. He's likely to be a brown-noser, ready to ingratiate himself with those who can help him climb that ladder to wealth and the good life. He will do nothing for those who haven't money or connections.
He'll never leave a tip, he'll always ask for separate checks. Contrariwise, he might well be a reckless if small-time gambler, blaming his bad luck on others and never himself.
If you plan on going on a trip however the means car, boat, train, plane, on foot, hiking or cycling. Getting lost is a likelihood - take a compass and make sure your cell phone is charged. Watch out for washed out or muddy trails, take a first aid kit, make extra copies of maps, itinerary's, tickets, take extra cash for sure it will cost more than you think.
So my question is I shoot meth will the baking soda thing still work the same and have you ever tryed this method to get percocets out of your system
I took my ua Monday morning after getting high on Saturday with Meth...checked in Tuesday, Wednesday and today Thursday..I fucking passed thank you I love you for posting this it truly does work
Tried this technique yesterday, and got the thumbs up to leave the D.O.C. office.....Have two more meetings today and Friday though....and they love to just have you come in for your next U.A., so the stupid fuckin police dont have to look for you if you did fail....imagine that, cops dont want to do any work....HA! I will post after my meeting if I am still a free bird! Thankx BTW. Addiction does suck sometimes and makes us do some stupid use, wyhen we know we have to piss in a cup for our freedom!
Well, I am still a free bird, thanks to this process....took and passed yet, another u.a. for parole using the soda trick....was worried that I had diluted the sample so I took some b-12 and a mens heath tablet for color.... thanks again!
used about .5G on Tuesday night around midnight and passed Wednesday @ 3 P.M.
I think this site is great.i have been on and off this stuff for about 13 years.i had never been in any kind of trouble ever until i was 40, and i got convicted of a precurser charge. i will be off my 3 years of probation this january.i now go to a methadone clinic and was wondering if anyone has tried this for a test that gets sent off to a lab??
So I got high off of Meth on wed to Thursday about five am than did banking soda thought I was getting tested but not till Tuesday I'm hopeing to be clean.
Does the body metabolize and move through the body's system faster with IV using? I am only referring to speed.
Hello, I'm taking my us on Friday and I was wondering if u can do the baking soda for Meth and the koolaid drink for marijuana. Will it work anyway? I been clean for bud since tuesaday and stopped Meth on Wednesday (today). Please respond asap I want this job
How much b. soda per glass, how many glasses, how long before test?
IF this works I will email u. I will MEED YO ADRESS or something because u need. To see what we doin in Mississippi. Good shit down here here lol. But will gladly send a lil cash if that puts to mind at. Ease. IF this works EVERYONE IT HELPS should send u at least a lil cash for u to spend on OUR true love. CRYSTAL METH!!!!!!!! I will post tomorrow IF I DON'T GO TO PRISON. ( crossing finger redneck ). Nervously leaving page
Hi I am a 32 year old female who has had my bout with meth as well. my baby was taken at birth because we both tested positive and she was in more than perfect health. they tried getting her taken from me unless I agreed to near impossible requirements but luckily I'm a great mom and person and I have been able to tackle their hurdles so far. ihave since quit meth but I did use one day recently and have a drug test coming up. now I am all freaked bc they WILL take my baby if I'm dirty on my test. I made a mistake and I am working hard on quitting but it isn't always that easy. so I am going to try this baking soda trick and get back to u. if it works I want u to know that u will have saved my family so much unnecessary grief. they don't understand and are so quick to just rip babies out of their parents hands no matter how hard we try knowing how hard it is. so I don't plan on having to use this trick often but I will this once and thank you so much in advance
Hi used back in 97' when the dope was so bomb only for 6 months I didn't use again until 09' I only snorted in 97' and since I started using again in 09' till the present I only been smokin it. Well bcuz of life little antics. I was put on probabtion for cultivation of marijauna (42) plants. I never been in trouble for drugs before and I'm 33/34 but I was my own lawyer and had it dropped to 6 plants and a misdormeaner. I almost got through my whole probabtion with no ua now I'm down to the last 3 months and uas f**k so thank goodness for your blog I'm trying it today for the first time. And find out tomorrow if it worked. I will be back on then to give the report. Sincerely, fingers crossed
Hey thanks for posting this.. U rock. I'm going to try it tomorrow. Did anyone try the putting it in capsules idea... That seems logical...
Lol... Dirk diggler.. I just got done watching that movie :)
Ok. Instead of drinking the soda water I "parachuted" it.. I wrapped it in toilet paper.. Like how some people eat dope. Took the two teaspoon fulls and made 4 parachutes per glass of water.. Did that every 30 mins til I had 6 glasses like she said to do. Then I took an at home test. It worked beautifully :) now I gotta do the process again tomorrow for "them" but I'm not as nervous... And doing it this way id much easier to choke down thanks for the advice. U rock
I really hope this trick works. I have been n addict since i was 13. I've been clean for large bits of time and **ON ONE** for large bits as well. Right now, i am using but not like crazy. Ive literally used meth 3x in the past 6mo (my biggest problem is pain pills which i dont have to worry about UA's b/c of my script) BUT with my luck... i have to take a UA "ASAP" per my daughters father. Failing it could be me losing custody!
I used less than a quarter Wednesday night about 2am-7am and i banged it(<-NOT PROUD). I am acting like i didnt receive the text until i KNOW Im clean. Its Friday now, I HAVE to see him by Sunday at the earliest b/c im getting my daughter then.
After i HOPEFULLY pass... im getting back into a program and cleaning up...NO HIGH is worth me losing my children (not to mention the lying, manipulation, $, thiefs, UA"S!!....) over it.
NE way.. w/ using such a small amount (less than a quarter) wed night when do u think I could pass a UA? can i do the baking soda trick now(get it over w/!) good luck to every1!! thanx for all the post
hey Random Girl did you pee at all after u started to drink the first glass or should i wait to pee tell iv drank all 6 glasses. im not talkin about peein for the test tell after the 6 glasses im just askin if i can go if i have to befor iv finished.
Ok. Since a lot of people ask this I'd better address it. Yes, I'd always pee while still in the process of drinking the baking soda water, usually 2 or 3 times. I always kind of figured it was a good idea to get out the"dirty" piss that was hanging out in my uh, bladder (why am I so grossed out saying that word?) Anyway, yeah it's my understanding that what's in your bladder has already been processed through the kidneys & whatnot, and because of that I don't think the baking soda will clean that piss like it will with the stuff your body is currently "processing".
So - bottom line - yes. Probably a good idea to go once or twice during the cleansing process
so how did the testing you still have your baby
I'm on federal parole my color came up last night I'm doing as u say tho i haven't been able to get off the toilet since the first two cups i have a home test also I'm praying this works for me two more cups to go ill keep payed on what happens by the way in Minnesota the feds got instant cups no lab hopefully better for me keep u posted
Is it common to be pissing out the back end? Wow this shit better work all this trouble
Omfg!!!!! It worked i can't believe it!!!!! I love u random girl yr my fucking hero I'm not going to b on con air any time soon thank u so much what a relief!!!!!mnnice!!!!!!
So here it is...I'm on a color code system which I'm almost done with my color comes up 2 times a month on this came up Friday so i naturally got high Monday it came up again been high all weekend i thought it was over stumbled across this page figured i didn't have any thing to lose so i smoked 6am started the soda and water at 9am two big spoons in each cup every 30 minutes immediately i was peeing out my ass in between cups i did this 6 times peed on a home drug test twice each time was cleaner i saved the third piss for my ua at 12 i slammed one more shot of baking soda and a cup of water took some more water with me went in and passed with flying colors at 1pm federal ua by the way this is very unpleasant but i stand by this method IT WORKS STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT SHOCKED BUT VERY HAPPY
I wanna no if I haven't smoked meth for awhile and I hit it 4 times and now I have to test tomorrow by 430 and I smoked today at 2 will I b clean
hi random girl my question is do you need to do meth before the soda process or it is ok if u just used meth like 2 or 3 days ago and do the soda process thanks
I really hope this works got color code testing today it is now 717 a.m. I am extremely nervous right now I'm going to follow the technique of starting at 9 o'clock and hopefully taking it at 1 p.m. kinda worried about peeing out my ass.. Ill let you know if I'm not in jail.. Lady I will find u nd kiss your wonderful face if I pass..GREAT REVIEWS SO IM TRUSTING YALL WITH MY LIFE ;). Thank you every one for adding.
there are many things about slamming speed that i enjoy: sex with skinny girls that like to shoot dope and have crazy, cross eyed nuclear vertigo sex, yeah thats it, oh and the water fall effect when the iv rush splashes itself under your skin and you feel all horse shoes and hand grenades, all assholes and elbows, feel like coming but you just did, feel like going yep that to, feel like silent screams and loud whispers will wake up the ghost of your dead wife....doing shots so big your eyes twitch back and forth and you see double for an hour or so. The auditory hallucinations, a marching band playing dropkick murphy songs only heard by you, by me....but im scared now something new happens when i try to goes beyond depletion of endorphins, my low dopamine levels after aweek or two of slamming are so low that im in tears over any emotional swing , good or bad....what happens to me now is i get this feeling in my head its like a flash of light that comes in waves when its intense it feels like a shock that almost can knock me down, some timers it happens when im trying to sleep...wave after wave of this crazy lightening strike in my head, it turnd
s the thoughts of pre-sleep into nightmares of being shot in the head or ripped to shreds by unseen and unyielding antagonists. These sensations last up to a week after stopping speed use, they go away immeadiately after a fat shot. It can drive me and my tweeker train of thought to some crazy conclusions that run from brain tumor, stroke, to alien abuduction and demon possession. Does this sound familiar to anyone let me know at
U rock girl a clean pee everytime. Thanks from colorado
Fingers crossed from colorado, I smoked half an hour b4 I went to piss...... And good to go thanks random girl!!!!!!!!!!!
I banged some yesterday at around 3pm...have been banginging at least once a day for 2 months. Have a ua today at 11am so im about to start the soda flowing.. ;-) wish me luck. Ill post with the results.
Smoked meth for the first time today. Probation officer called and she wants to see me tomorrow which means a drug test. I'm on focalin 20 xr. Focalin is a dexlphenidate I've never had a history with uppers and truthfully I think I could convince her that I didn't do meth. She thinks I wouldn't sabotage myself like that. I don't think there's any possible way that focalin could trigger the methamphetamine. I've heard of addies doin it but then they could send it to the lab and find out for sure.I have to try and not get it sent to the lab. can I blame it on cough medicine cuz the sudafedrine? In my 17 years of life I've learned there's a way out of almost everything. This is a challenge I've not been able to work out...yet. I NEED help and advice.
Thanks for all the posts people my first u a tommarro but I trust the input I was clean for a year got alot in life going well but started smoking again I still want to smoke and keep moving forward hope the best for all users and again thanks for the direction:)
I wanted to know if baking power works the same
I have a UA in 2 half hrs will it work?
you would think they would just make you do it again
I have a ua test tomorrow at 9:30am. Ima start this process at 6:00am .. I will know by 10:00am. Im Hella nervous! Im thinking about doing a trial run today.
Does anyone think/know if this trick is done 2 days in a row .. Will it still work??
Ill keep ya posted!
~Ruca Chick in Cali
Ok first I want to Thank Random Girl for sharing the baking soda method. I had to take a drug test for my job and I work for the government and I was sweating bullets as to if I was gonna pass the lab drug test and I DID!!!! THANK YOU so much Random Girl!
So I just want to say everyones body works differntly as we all know but what is most important about passing a drug test for meth and using the baking soda is........ I would recommend that you do the listed steps to the method and TEST YOURSELF FIRST before going to the test. Because I would have failed the first time I also recommend for heavy users, everyday users that you if you can or have time to stop for a few hours and do the baking soda drink but up the amount I did 4 tablespoons all toghter and PASSED the fucker with NO PROBLEMS WHAT SO EVER!! IT WORKS and anyone who says it dosent is a big fat liar and wants you to fail. It works just have to do it like she says and take the home drug test to be sure its not a false positive (faint line)
WTF this person is a total douch!! Put a pube in it ok first who the hell has a massive bush that they can rip out a pube and put in a urine cup!!What person dosent shave the shit these days and if you dont GROSS and just do the baking soda like she says thats all needed the other shit is just what this person is talking BULLSHIT!! LOL
I am sooo happy I found this blog!! I went to see my probation officer today after smoking and she surprised me with a ua request. I panicked and luckily talked my way to being postponed till Friday. its Wednesday a little after 5pm and I took my last hit right before 5pm. I am not going to smoke anymore till after my drug test at 8am on Friday but I know that is not enough time for my system to be clean. I plan on doing a test run tomorrow followed by a home drug test and then I will take a home drug test right before going to see my po after finishing the process. I have just a couple of questions. How long after you drink your last glass of water with baking soda does your clean window start? Is it right away or does it take a few minutes? Also after I finish the 6 glasses does it hurt to continue sipping on regular water on my way to the test? Thank you again I will let you know how my test run goes and then of course how the actual drug test turns out. If this works I will be sooooooooo grateful. I am not a bad person. I am a single mom to a 3 year old. I am also a college student and we have a home, a car, food and she has tons of clothes and toys. I am not saying smoking meth is ok but not everyone who does is a horrible person. I would definitely like to quit but its too late for this drug test so just being able to stay out of jail and stay with my daughter is amazing. I am very nervous but optimistic.
Another pure sucess story here!! I had to see my po today for ua, and ive had 2 prior violations for meth use. 3rd use sends me back tp prison for 48 months, but hell, an addict does what an addict can, right?? No thought of consequences in the heat of the moment...But, I did like Random Girl said, and whala!!...I pissed clean and walked out of that offikce with my jaw on the floor!!! Thanks Random Girl!!! From Yakima, Wa.
Hi all,
I will explain in short how this works:
Baking soda is a base (high pH). Conversely an acid like vitamin C has a low pH number.
Amphetamines are excreted more quickly when your urine's pH is acidic (low), and will consquently result in more detectable levels of Meth/amphetamine in your urine IF you consume acids before the UA. Conversely, by consuming a base like baking soda, you decrease the rate of excretion from your body while the pH remains high (BAKING SODA).
So making your bodily fluids/urine alkali/basic, you prevent the meth from becoming dissolved in your urine, and for a short period are able to piss clean. Another factor here is what is called urine dilution. This is from drinking large amounts of fluids. It makes your urine very dilute, and thus low levels of drug metabolites are present in your urine as long as you maintain high fluid intake. Afterwards, you will still likely be able to fail a test once your urine's pH normalizes again, so remember that. The dilution method is used by many people for other drugs as well. Google Urine Dilution and you'll see.
Will takin niacin pills and drinking some boones farm wine help me pass ua test n morning for probation I plan to be at p.o. office as soon as they open at 830 am last time I smoked was Monday bout 11 am please reply I m freaking out
Use LOTS of water and also take B vitamin supplement to keep urine yellow. Your creatine levels will possibly be low though....Dilute specimen, make reason why u drink lots of water
By dilute specimen, I meant that you will possibly be told it was dilute after tested.. DO NOT add anything to the sample.
Hey, some people like having pubic hair, personally I shave myself every week, but that's just me I'm not going to judge other people by whether or not they shave their crotch, and I think that is a really low brow criteria on judging and or making fun of someone. Especially when it has no bearing on the conversation at hand.
In the process of testing this method. I am also perscribed adderall 30mg xr. Last time of use was lastnight midnight. I mixed a good sum in my cranberry jizz. Tastes like shit so im going to chute a bit and drink. Will be grabbing a test at wallyworld within the hour. Ive been clean of thc for 15 days but mind you i was consistant user for a good 4 months or so. Ill post results when im done.
Hello random!
I just now shot up meth at 10 pm. And i have a drug test tomorrow for a new job around 11-12. I know everyones different but im 5'2 about 170lbs. What time should i start the baking soda process? And would it be a good idea to drink 1 glass tonight with 2 teaspoons then water for the night? Please reply asap. Im freakin out! Never had this happen!
I just commented sorry. I heard the baking soda makes your levels go crazy. I just dont know what to do but i need this job
Another sucess story! Just got back from doc
Hey i smoked five hits of meth how long it will show durty?
I smoked a 20 of some Shyt on Sunday at like 3:15pm and went to Work on a Sick Ass One, then had to Drug Test for my Federal Probation today on Tuesday. All i did was Drink a Shyt Load of Water Coca Cola and Beer so, hopefully i pass my Test, Hope that i Dont Get Locked Up, i musta Pissed like over 20 times before i went in to Test so i Think i should be Good despite the fact that only two days passed, Fuck...
I am a hispanic female from rillo texas im a everyday user due to havein to supply it and all but im goin in to report for the first time monday n dont want to get in trouble for it cuz i really do stay out of trouble but since its my first time should i do it since i have to sit and talk to them for an hour or should i just sit it out n not take nothin??i know they sell a drink here at the smoke chop for 50 bucks should i try that?i dont want to go to jail cuz i just got married.
Will this work for crack cocaine as well?
Well i past ma Drug Test cuz am not locked up... Smoked meth on Sunday and piss tested on Tuesday and got away with it... Just drinking a shit load of water coca colas & beer Wuuuu !!!
Go in all Twaked Out !
OMG.....THIS SHIT REALLY DOES WORK. I took six cups of baking soda two spoons. it was nasty but i got a home drug test and it worked. I smoked yesterday. Thank you ....Fresno Ca
OH MY GAWD!!! my PO just called and said my test from Friday(4/12/13) was negative!!!...I have tested dirty in the past 10months a total of 7 times!! i went to court Thursday(4/11/13) for my violation hearing the jugde said I have to complete outpatient program and let me reality with my past record,I should have gone in or made to do a residental program.well it didn't matter anyway I had to see PO next day and knew I was dirty and kept smoking,so in my eyes F'it...but I'm not a bad person,I'm slowing reunifing with my 4 now young adults kids(after 12years and this addiction) I googled betting meth drug test&well here you are...and all I can say is a heartfelt thanks for the heads up! not all tweekers are scandalous,they are normal moms and hard working people in society, we just move a lil faster!
Do NOT do the $50 smoke shop stuff!!!!!! i've been passing ua's for 20 years, for various different drugs, and many different agencies. stuff that used to work in the day, doesn't anymore because somebody caught wind of the trick, and found a way to test for it....(golden seal, niacin, cranberry juice....) that is why im here now, to see what does and doesnt work these days.
anyhow, EVERYONE i know that used the smoke shop stuff, FAILED. granted, everyone of them puked half of it back up, so maybe if they could have held it down it could have worked. either way, ive seen like 8 different people try that and all failed.
suprise ua today.... trying this now, thank you if it works.... die if i piss out my ass for no reason lol....
did it work?
did it work?
does it work on pain pills i know it does for meth ive done it
NEED TO KNOW, I have to report tomorrow and ive already started the soda process and really cant bear to do anymore than I have to! my question is will I be clean for tomorrow? or do I have to do this again aging????
Thanks Random Girl,your blog really saved us, my girlfriend had just smoked ice on Sunday, about 8:00PM then on Monday we find out that we have a random test. I remembered your blog and got the baking soda. She was sick with a sore throat and couldn't swallow too much. We started at 4:00 PM and tested negative at 7:00 PM. I was worried that she didn't drink enough of it, she was also vomiting some of it out. I'm guessing she drank about 6 to 8 tsp. She did go to the toilet 3 times before we went to testing.I prayed to God for it to be negative, I didn't want our son to be taken away. She
is a really good mom, and she is trying her best to stay away from it, thanks again
that baking soda don't work. My friend did the baking soda before he went to do his test. he test him self with a home test kt and it came back neg. so he went and do his urine test. after the he did his urine test. he test him self again at home and it came back as neg and a few day later his po got the test result for the lab.she said he test pos for meth. now he have to take a class. which is a good thing it keep him off that stuff
I need to know the answer to this question also...
Looking for the same answer u are...
same here, that is the big question that i really need to know....Would be greatly appreciated
i need to know the same thing as well
Somebody answer this please. Might be tested soon at a lab, will the baking soda work?
Going to test at 12:30 today. Used this method... will update
Texas girl
I was able to swap the urine out...but I did this method and passed 2 dip tests...I am a small girl and I only had to drink 2 tablespoons in a glass of water and a liter of water...waited an hour and a half and tested myself and was negative... I swear this works... I tested myself again the next time I peed and it was negative then too...
cali girl
Greetings from finland. Working well here. Amf at tuesday,0,5g. today(to) Urine analyse just bubre positive, like it should be because im on suboxone treatment. i woke up at 6.00am, and drink'd 1 glass every half hour(5 at all) and 2 tablespoons natriumcarbonat in every class. 9.00am UA was negative.thanks from tip! :)
This has been working for me for the past 6 or 7 UA's. I buy cheap meth test strips at a local headshop (2 for $6.50) and test myself before I go in.
For me, I find that I don't test clean until an hour and 45 mins after the last glass. There have been times when my strips didn't ever show negative, but when I went in I still passed with faint lines.
I recommend to anyone attempting this to do a test run first, with your own strips to figure out how to make it work for you. Otherwise, it's pretty risky still.
I just got back from seeing my PO. Worked like a charm, but no kidding about peein out yer but. JEEZE!! Well, it was worth it. Thanks.
smoked quite a few bows on Monday at around 7-8pm, had a drug test at 11am Tuesday (today). passed with flying colors :) Thanks so much for the help. I would have been locked up for a while.
I hope Some one reads this before tomorrow fml. Ive never done meth before in my life but on Monday I tried I hit the pipe like 3 times And now I have to go ua tomorrow I tried the baking soda shit earlier took one gulp and couldn't stop throwing up, so idk if its even a option for me if I cant keep it down. Help please is there anthing else I can do I been drinking tons of water but Idk if its enough or what
Thanx for the info it worked
I threw up at first. but you just have to try your hardest. I also heard if your "parachute" it, like put it in little pieces of toilet paper and swallow it. That works too. Also this does work for all drugs. took a Xanax bar, did this method, passed again.
So did baking soda trick today and bought 20$ home drug test from wal-mart and passed (smoked same day and day before)..But it gets sent to a lab for testing hopefully it works... Ill let yall know more then... And yes I pee'd out my ass a lot.. and a lil more while standing taking my u.a I wonder if he knew but anyways yes the baking soda trick worked for me.... o and I took my test about 20 mins after the Wal-Mart one... :)wish me luck ppl
Shot dope two days in a row and had a ua that went strait the the lab last week. Reported a week later and no word about anything. Three tablespoons of baking soda and sixteen oz of water two hours before test.. can't believe it.
I am addict of course and cant seem to stop but trying real hard...I havent used in the last 7 days but today I snorted 1 line and gotta take a ua test a week from tomorrow and if I dont pass I am looking at 20 yrs not good...I dont plan to use again until after my test so between now and then what do I need to do in order to pass?? I am drinking ALOT of cranberry juice now what eles should I do???
Parachute many pieces of toliet paper do you need to swallow?
7 days will probably be enough time without having to do the baking soda trick, just drink a lot of water to dilute your urine.
Test yourself the day before. If you're dirty, then plan on doing the baking soda process described on this site.
7 days though, one line, shouldn't need to do anything.
Thank you for responding and yes I am going to test myself the day before I go to court. In the meantime I am taking B12 & Cranberry plus Vitamin C pills trying to clean my system out.
Baking Soda Trick Works For Meth Only it has worked 5 times for me and im on probation Give yourself at least 2 hours before you go test i use 4 table spoons 2 in 8oz glass of water !! Its going to make your stomach feel real bubbly and real bad gas but be careful you pass gas on toilet not you pants
help. i have a ua Monday Im dirty for weed n meth plz help asap what do i do
it works for me every time the only thing I'm worried about is the lab part my test was faint but the line was there still sent to lab any pointers should find out today i know first hand it works for meth as for pot don't know don't smoke the stuff but IF ANYONE KNOWS WHAT THE LAB WILL SAY PLEASE LET ME KNOW
Bitter sweet this news. For every ua passed. my heart screams.FUCK YES.
Bless YOU! It is so kind that you share this. As would I.....Yet the downfall.....
I had heard this before, and I know first hand sodium bi carbonate makes the body METABOLIZE amphetamine(s) PH and stuff. acidic stuff like vinger doing the opposite. Who fucking cares! no more can be said.....get a tester and test. I can say its what Im about to do. and I usually can tell bullshit from not. I BELIEVE IT .
You GOT the MONEY........ RUN.
OH! If you want maximum information available. (at leasts to me)
look up (meth)amphetamine(s)- of any kind. from ritlin to desoxyn. as a search word on whatever the internet equivilant is to a PDR ... that means a pill id site a a drug information site. pdr stands for phys. desk refrence. (spell what?) Read all the fine shit I.E. drug interactions inhibitors blind studty stats. WERE SPEED FREEKS! THIS IS WHAT WE DO Skitz on SHIT.
Its shit like this that gives us a bad name.
Some of us are wizards.
my regards to the random girl. You walked right in to the Badmotherfucker hall of fame.
Well first off as I'm skimming these replies i must say I'm wit michelle and foxx on that judgmental douchebag reply. too many haters in this world. second i give random girl madd props and respect for havin courage to blog informative drug related information. not only is she helping people out in their life like the baby story above bless her heart and healthy child...but random girl is informing people on how to properly ingest such chemical as baking soda and what to do and how to go about a miss if interveniously method is taken as i do is great information for people that are users and if to use is someones choice wtf is it to you you piece of shit snitchboy to get ur ass beat if i ever see u on the street n you are a non user therefore obviously this article was not for ur stupid ass should be spooned out eyeballs...enough lovin for another hater. anyway i am a 23 yo juggalo in az much thank u to u random girl and mwcl to all the fam out there. now last as i have a ua to drop tomorrow and came up dirty 2 weeks ago..we do not have baking soda and neither does anyone in range that i know...i haven't got to try this but since i am testing I'm nervous af...looks to be a nerveracking lift in the near future. FML. and MFL. whoop whoop
Well maybe shag carpet is the only thing i like to munch wtf is it to ya...juggalo str3tch! Mwfl. whoop whoop!
I'm an everyday professional, clean cut, normal guy...I work two jobs, and in order to keep the pace I have to have something...and meth does the trick. I picked up a possession case and now have to piss for probation. Thank you for this post! I don't steal, harm, or injur others...all I do is work a helluva lot to maintain a standard of living. I can handle baking soda once/twice a month to maintain my freedom..thanks so much!
Random girl has saved me many times. This trick does work, BUT best advice here is to get a home test and make sure BEFORE you take your UA. I have used this method successfully for 6-7 times. Today, I did the same process. Not sure what happened, but it showed positive for amphetamines. Since I have to spend the two nights before testing in jail (work release), they opted to send results to lab. I met my probation officer immediately after my test, assured him I haven't used and that the positive must have something to do with the countless herbal and home remedies that I'm trying trying in an effort to battle my recurring MRSA. (Nightmare). He said "well, we will just see what the lab says.". I'm so scared I'm going to lose my job, and end up in jail. Any insight or advice, you can text or call me 708-738-2431
I agree with this totally. The $50 smoke shop drinks only cover up weed if your lucky. I bought one once, and smoked weed two days before my ua and did coke almost one week prior. I dropped clean for weed and dirty for coke. Never buy them. Unless of course you want to pass a THC ua.
I am in Drug Court and on a tight leash. We do 3 to 4 UAs a week. I had 119 days clean but for whatever reason, I used. Today is Wed at 11:30 pm, and I shot a short quarter Tuesday around 6:30 pm. I have to drop tomorrow at 2:00pm. If I drop dirty, I go to the joint. I've never done this before and I can't afford to buy a home test kit tomorrow. Broke as a joke. Any suggestions on what to expect? Will I be hot for clear piss? Please someone respond. Time is of the essence.
Does it make your piss clear?
I'm on drug court too!! let me know how this works for u as Im going crazy being sober!!
Oh my God. I am going to hunt down RandomGirl and marry her. It fucking works!!! Be careful though. When they talk about pissin out both ends, they're not kidding. And it's extremely difficult to drop and hold back extreme diarrhea at the same time, but it works. After the fourth round of baking soda you really start to feel it and you get pretty sick. I held it down the whole time though. I wouldn't recommend throwing it up because it might be all out and game over. I only made it to about 4.5 servings butt everybody is different and I suggest to do the full six. Drug Court guy, I wouldnt make a habit out of it, but it fucking works. Keep coming back, it works! LoL. Sorry, that was way inappropriate. NA does work if you do the work.
Please be careful parachuting sodium bicarbonate, even when used as an antacid - which requires far less quantity than this method - it is urged that you not encapsulate it or take it 'dry' our gut is full of hydrochloric acid and it can fuck you up if you just dump 'raw' undiluted baking soda in your belly, it can potentially give ulcers or who the hell knows. for sure it can be damned painful in any case, if this worked for you, cheers, but in the future id urge anyone to power through the gag of drinking diluted material.
Nope, totally different material. You need to use baking SODA [sodium bicarbonate] this process works by means of slamming your body with high alkalinity for a brief time, and via some scientific crap this gives a window in which the body , as I understand it, basically 'retains' excretion of the metabolite of methamphetamine [amphetamine], which is what drug tests look for. screw everyone who buds in to someone else's life to the extent of EXAMINING THEIR FUCKING PISS.
here is a cut from an abstract of a peer reviewed published paper:
The effects of d-methamphetamine last from 6 to 12 h. After the initial “rush,” many individuals remain hyperactive, restless, and irritable. Some users are reported to be prone to aggression and violence.
The following popper user interface control may not be accessible. Tab to the next button to revert the control to an accessible version.
Destroy user interface control2 Illicit methamphetamine is used by a variety of routes including smoking and intravenous, intranasal (“snorted”), and oral administration. Methamphetamine is rapidly absorbed by all routes, but time to onset of effects is fastest by intravenous and smoked routes. The primary site of metabolism is in the liver by aromatic hydroxylation, N-demethylation (to form the metabolite amphetamine), and deamination. The basic nitrogen moiety in methamphetamine’s chemical structure (pKa = 10.1), its relatively high lipophilicity, and low plasma–protein binding (10–20%) influences distribution and excretion processes. Acidic urine enhances methamphetamine excretion and shortens its half-life in the body, whereas basic urine slows excretion and prolongs residence time.
The following popper user interface control may not be accessible. Tab to the next button to revert the control to an accessible version.
Destroy user interface control3 Transfer across membranes and excretion in saliva is also facilitated by methamphetamine’s lipid nature, low protein-binding, and ion-trapping in saliva. Typically, salivary fluid is more acidic than is plasma, thus producing higher concentrations of methamphetamine in saliva compared to plasma.
why all that interfering text is right in the fucking middle of that post is not my fault. weird.
I drink a lot of whiskey throughout the day, will that affect the baking soda concoction? and also if I were to do it today would I be permanately clean or do I have a time limit as to how long I will b clean?
Im in drug court too and test twice a week I used tonight at 6:00pm and test tomorrow & I wont find out the results until im in drug court & they are gonna read that I either passed or im going to jail. so I hope this works :) fingers crossed.
-Az girl.
Keep us posted! I'm in drug court as well.
-ne girl
I took my drug test for drug court and I passed.
how long before ur test did u do the soda? mine r always at 8 am for drug court
It doesnt clean out your system, it just covers it up. For 1.5 -2 hours AFTER your done drinking the baking soda water. As for the alcohol, I have no idea.
Alright im on drug court too.. But does this trick mess with your creatin? Cause if we get a low where i do drug court, its seven days in jail.. I just got out of jail about 9 days ago and am not ready to go back.. Last night was the last i used but i used for like three days straight.. Im pretty sure they will call my color tomorrow.. How do i go about this??
Will this give you a low creatin?? Cause where I do drug court they give 7 days in jail for a low.. And I could get less time for telling them I'm dirty.. I've smoked quite a bit and had one parachute in three days.. Last night before midnight was the last time I smoked and I may have a ua tomorrow around noon.. I'm debating on weather to just tell them I'm dirty or try and clean out.. I've been outta jail for a little over a week and don't wanna go back.. I been taking cranberry pills and drinking water but don't know much else to do.. Ideas?
you don't test positive because sodium bicarbonate and meth combined wont be meth the baking soda will make the best meth not work if theyre put together a bunch of people try cutting it with that and then cant get rid of any of it because it ruins it
Is there a sertain amount of times to pee before and if u pee too much will it mess it up?
You can call me RPW. I live in Austin, TX (Travis County). Today was my last day of probation. I smoked meth last night, because as an addict, I tend to not care about the consequences of my actions until it's time to care. How crazy is that! Anyway, I was so worried they were going to drug test me today. I found this site last night and tried to implement this baking soda trick. So today I had one and a half glasses of this, got sick and threw up violently in my car. Couldn't drink anymore of it. liquid shit soon followed (which of course you warned us about). Anyway, I was very lucky -- they did not test me today and now I'm free.
But really...... how free am I if I continue using meth??? I had 4 years clean till last month. so for the past 4 years things have gotten so much better. Now that I'm using again, I have begun the following sick actions:
1> lie to family
2> hide from family
3> look at porn almost constantly
4> masturbate for 5 hours 2 or 3 times a day
5> hardly ever sleep
6> spend SO much money on meth and porn, then get mad at girlfriend when she spends a little money and we can't pay bills. like its really her fault.. (ugh)
7> spent half rent money on meth
8> pawned some of my stuff for meth money
You know what? This list could go on forever... I gotta quit this shit somehow.
it work but it wil make u feel sick to ur stomach. the meth here in northern california is not that good like before but still use and the baking soda does the job
HI ALL OF YOU. FIRST ALL ALL WANT TO SAY ALL ALL OF YOU (Except for that loser with the hateful comments) ARE TRULY HONEST, BRAVE, INTELLIGENT, MATURE AND COMPASSIONATE PEOPLE. Now the matter: I have 2 jobs, one side job as a maintenance man where I don't get test for drugs and I'm applying to an airline to replace this side job and they will test me, but after read all your great comments and suggestions I know what to do. NOW, MY MEAN JOB IS AS AN ACTOR FOR SPANISH NETWORK, I SHOOT PROJECT FOR SEVERAL MONTHS WHEN I TRY NOT TO USE METH BUT HEY! I LOVE IT, SO IN THESE OCCASSIONS WHERE IT DOESN'T LET YOU SLEEP (I usually use daytime hours) DOES ANYBODY KNOWS WHAT CAN I TAKE TO FALL SLEEP AT LEAST 4-5 HOURS? I go to gym and eat healthy AND WHEN I USE I KEEP DRINKING PROTEIN SHAKES, SO REALLY MY PHYSYQUE REALLY GET DAMAGE (actually gets me ripped which I love! Lol), but the lack of sleeping is horrible, and next day at the set I feel like crap. I'm not a regular user but whe I do it I try to do it on Saturdays so I'd have Sunday recovery. But because of my life style some weekdays are better for me while bf is at work (he'll kill me if he finds out!). Anyway, I've tried TEMAZEPAM (Restoril) but apparently has given me sleepwalking and talking while sleeping, and again, I don't one in one of those sleeping talk say out loud about my using with bf by my side. ANY SUGGESTIONS WHAT TO TAKE TO BE ABLE TO SLEEP? Or is that I'm usin a lot in the frame time I'm using ( which is an average of 8 hours).
Hey there Texas here I am sitting on the toilet cause trying this baking soda thing right now. Have to piss at 2:30. Omg nothing coming from front all from back. How do I pee???
Hey Travis county!!! I am also Austin Texas, I battled the same thing for years and my list looked just like urs. I'm pretty clean now. I have dabbled a little but no my limits to not get completely addicted. I am a realist .. not gonna say go to AA or pray. I just believe when u want enough will be enough. Here if u wanna talk :)
hey i was wondering i herd meth dont stay in your urine that long so i snorted a verry small line to get high on isp first time i snorted it im also drunk lol but its fryday and i have a drug test this comming thursdasy willi pass?? and if not please i need some tips i dont wanna goi back to jail just got out 3 months ago and just got put on level 2 yesterday how can i get cleanb please help!!!!! pleas!!!!!!
Yes I recently had a us with a faint line but when it got sent to the lab it came back negative so I think the longer it sits in it the more effective it is.
I work full time and am a full time student so sleeping can be a real priority for me, the best thing that works for me is melatonin, I get the 10 mg pills and take two or three. Puts me out for 4-6 hours and I feel great when i wake up.
Rockingrandma in AZ
Random girl, you rock, this method WORKS, but people have to realize that the effects are only temporary and only works on drugs that can be neutralized by ph balance. If you dont understand the chemical aspects you might want to look them up. The baking soda changes the ph balance in your body TEMPORARILY and allows you to pass a UA. If they hit you with a back to back UAs within 6-8 hours with no chance for more baking soda you could come back pos.
Hello all. Let me start by saying that I am in a Suboxone program. I just got started on Friday at a new doctor. He prescribed me for one week and I go back in on the 8th and will obviously be drug tested again. I went out with a friend on Saturday night for a few drinks. Walking home we ended up running into a friend of hers and he asked her if she had some foil and I'm all drunk and yeah let's do some of what this guy has!! Long story short, I ended up smoking some meth for the first time and had somehow literally COMPLETELY forgotten about the drug test coming up in four days. I guess because it wasnt heroin or dope it just didn't occur to me that I was doing anything wrong. Now of course I am freaking out because I cannot afford to be thrown out of this program. I finally found a doctor to take my insurance and if he drops me I'm screwed. I am all for trying this method but quite honestly am not sure I can handle it making me sick and all that as I already have health issues and feel like dog crap on a regular basis. I guess my question is does anyone thing I may just be fine since I didn't do much and I have four days to drink lots of water and pee my brains out? I am going to try to get one of the tests to take the day before to decide for sure whether or not I should do the baking soda but Im broke and dont really wanna confess to my mom that I need one. I just want some input on it. thanks :)
Holy crap, I gotta drop tomorrow. If I play my cards right I can go when my PO isnt there and the male duty officer is on. Can anyone confirm that this will work for a saliva test?
i have a interesting question for you all...Could you use Meth as a factor to get rid of THC from Fatty cells? Please correct me if i am wrong by all means We were having a Dissuasion and I figured I'd Ask... My argument... Meth decreases body Weight.... and THC stays in your Fat cells....if you did a **** ton of meth it decreases body weight..Since THC stores itself in fat cells, fat-burning exercise like weight training and intense cardio or speeding your heart up (using meth) -- can help get it out of your body faster... they agree to disagree.. i know it sounds stupid but i couldnt find any info on it
I'm on my 5th cup now and I have to drop in an hour. I'm going with the faith that this works for me. I live a regular life but love to party and bang chicks every so often. Lol don't get me wrong I have no problem doing it sober but it intensifies the pleasure and stamina but anywho, this will depend on my freedom since I will be looking at 15yrs in prison if I fail. So to Ms. Random Girl if you save me from prison because of your blog may the meth gods be with you and supply you for your every need. People seem to think that all meth addicts are bad people but honestly not all Pastors' are good people. I believe in my heart that Random Girl is an intelligent functional addict that is out to help people in desperate needs for FREEDOM. If I don't post again in 1.5 hours that means it didn't work for me but I've heard from other people that it does therefore it will just be that my luck has run out. Ttyl (hopefully)................
Do i have to wait thirty minutes before i repeat.what if i don't have two and a half hours ?
That's what I was wondering
Sooooo i neeeed to know how does this Baking Soda thing work. And Anyone plz
Tell me if this dosnt work. I cant afford to fail a ua. I would spend Twice my life time in prison if i do sooo plez help
All I can say is a million thank yous to the thoughtful and very generous woman who has been brave enough to share such valuable insight and wisdom with complete and sometimes undeserving strangers. I know I am not perfect, but I am human, I make mistakes yet have a heart and a conscious like most people out there. So bless us all, meth addict or not. And fuck any ignorant mother fucker who has the audicity to blast their fuckin complete ignorance, bullshit, and stupidity! I mean seriously!? Do you think anyone gives a shit what you think, considering your talking shit about the person who us helping us out ?!?!!! Too funny! Thank you, thank you!! Much love!!
Wow write a book....meth heads are not a bad thing....the government stealing and taking advantage of us now thats a problem....nuff said
I also am in Arizona and had to report to the same testing facility as you. That is the only reason I paid attention to your post. You sounded like you knew what you were talking about. I had to report the day after a two week stretch of using. I was trippin! I tried this and threw up the 2nd and 3rd cups but went ahead with the rest of the process. Was running out of time to report and went with it. Shit myself at TASC but got it done. Called the next day and had to report again. I was like WTF? Went thru the process again and held it down this time. Miserable weekend worrying about results. Well I fucking passed both of them and got released from TASC. Thank You! I did not believe it would work. It did!
omg the runs from this is horrible i hope i dont shit on myself in front of my po
I need help im so nervus i smoke meth yesterday i stared smoking like at 3pm nd stop at 1am but i didnt smoke alot i hust took a couple of hits here nd there nd i got a ua on tuesday would i be clean does anyone know let me now asap
Does the baking soda actually clean out your system or just cover it up? like if I drink the bsoda water today, lay off the dope and go report the next day, will I still be pissing clean?
It does NOT clean you out. It just masks it for a short time after you complete the process. If you drink it the day before and go test the next day you will test dirty. You have to do it exactly like the instructions above say to do it. I did it exactly like it said and I have not failed a single test.
so i am 135 pounds and am in pretty good health... i use maybe 1x to 2x a week i used last sunday then used again last night... i am on parole and check in monday might get ua'd this baking soda will work??? i been drinken tonz of water but i just want sum honest answers!!!! how much baking soda wood i have to do please helpppppp
I just got put on community control a couple weeks ago, I have to see my p.o. Every Tuesday. She' hasn't drug tested me yet but I think she will tomorrow. I Iv meth daily and just got done doing some. It's 11:42 pm and I have to go test tomorrow around 10. If I fail she's told me she will insist on d.o.c.(prison) and I'm looking at about 5 years. I'm drinking lots of water and I'm going to do the baking soda trick but I've heard people also say it doesn't work and they've failed. Does anyone know anything else that helps? I've heard viniger, niacin, cranberry juice, a couple drops of bleach in your soda,coffee, green tea, does anyone know if any of these work? And has anyone passed the test using backing soda the same day. Ty
Cool so it don't matter how much u use as long as i follow these steps.
I'm pretty much a daily user. Last I used was this morning at 9. My UA is today at 4.
I'm on my second glass. I will report tonight if I passed it or not. Thank you for the blog random gitl
I snorted 2 lines of meth at 4:30 last night and I need to see me probation officer at 11 am today how can I clean my system out before 11
Can u drink water in between the 6 glass a soda water
I was just wondering if you will still pass if you do the process but throw up. I did it last week and started puking profusely. I still got the runs real bad but my brother said it wouldn't work if I didn't keep it down.any answers?
Hey guys. Listen, I was skeptical as hell about this baking soda trick. I read online and got very mixed reviews. So in order to find out I went and bought two tests myself. I knew I was dirty and expected to fail the first one. And I did. Right after I took it I did the baking soda trick. However I went beast mode with it. I put 4 tablespoons in about 16oz of water and drank it down. I continued drinking LOTS of water since my body was purging it in an unmannerly way lol. When I was ready to pee the third time I pissed in the cup. And it came back negative. This is no joke guys it really worked. I may have over done it a little, but I figured if I was going to be miserable anyway, go big.
What if your meds also cause a false positive for meth? I also have to take a hair follicle all at 10am for dfacs
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