Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hercules and the Fire

Up In Smoke -     So I finally got all of my stuff moved out of my old place and into the place that was to be my next home, albeit a temporary home. I just didn't know how temporary. The VERY DAY AFTER I got all of my stuff moved into this house, the house caught fire and burned up everything that I own. EVERYTHING.
    This was the most unexpected thing that could've happened... talk about life throwing a curve ball. This isn't the kind of thing that you ever think will happen to you; it's the kind of thing that you see on the news that happens to strangers and people you don't know.
Electrical fire is what they think.
It's so weird, because one day I had all my stuff, and the next day I had NOTHING. And the guy whose house I was moving into ("T-Bone") was so frazzled I guess that when the Red Cross responders came to the scene and interviewed him, they asked him who all lived there, (I hadn't stayed there even yet, just had all my stuff there) and he said just TWO people lived there - him and his brother! So now I'm getting the runaround from the Red Cross because they think that I'm just some person trying to scam them. SO FRUSTRATING!!!

My Hero Hercules So thankfully through all of this, I've had the love and support of my sweet and wonderful man, Hercules. (Yes that's really his birth-given name lol) I guess I've been so preoccupied with everything that I haven't really written anything about him. But he's awesome. It's all happened so fast with him, we were hanging out on and off, sex thrown in there somewhere, and both of us have adamantly been saying that we don't want relationships. Then the next thing you know.... lol, anyway, this whole disaster has really put us to the test, and I have to say that I'm glad. He and I not only talk easily with one another, but we both have similar goals in where we want to go in life. And there's nothing I couldn't tell him.
   We both have addictions that we're battling. Mine of course is the gambling and the meth. His.... well, his is a little more serious. At least, I think so. Hercules, (Herc, as I call him) is addicted to heroin. This is weird for me because even though I'm a tweaker and no stranger to drug addiction, I've never really had a tolerance for people who do heroin. I've always just felt and seen that while tweakers will often do some fucking scandalous shit when they're jonesing, heroin addicts will fucking do pretty much ANYTHING to ANYBODY in order to get a fix that will keep them from getting dope sick. And when Herc and I started hanging out, I thought that was definitely going to be a dealbreaker as far as our relationship progressing to anything more serious. But the more we hung out, and the more we got to know each other, BOTH of us found that this thing was bigger than us, and I couldn't help but fall in love with him. FORTUNATELY, he's fallen equally in love with me, and even though we've only been together a couple of months, I honestly feel as if I've met the person I'll spend the rest of my life with.
I would lose all my possessions and belongings all over again a dozen times if it meant that I could have Hercules in my life. And as I suddenly found myself homeless and EVERYTHING-less, Herc stepped up like a champ and has been so supportive and he's done it without question. Because of this situation, we've sort of been hurled together into this domestic living situation; gone from living as single people to suddenly sharing a trailer. And not like a mobile home type trailer, but a TRAILER like the kind you pull behind a truck. So it's close quarters, just he and I and my precious little Frankie cat (who Herc tells people is "our cat")
    Well that's all for now. I realize I've been SUPER SLACKING as far as blogging goes. But I plan to start writing regularly again. As for now it's time for me to do a shot of speed... my addiction calls.....    (But I can't answer forever....)
