Once again I find that I have to thank the freaking almighty 'forces that be' that I was able to get a new pack of syringes. Now that I've finally found a place that I can buy needles from regularly (a challenge in itself but I'll talk more about that tomorrow) I find that I'm still faced with the problem of being able to get there. Obviously I can't ask my mom, who usually gives me rides to and from work, to just stop real quick so I can run in and buy a pack of syringes!
It really sucked this last week because I had a fairly nice amount of dope that I bought, but my needles were shit. I seriously have so many bruises all over my body from trying to hit myself with dull needles. Plus there's always the added scare factor of the needles being dirty; contaminated with tiny bacteria that I can't see because they're no longer sterile. And that of course is what leads to infections and/or abscesses. Of course, sometimes just "missing" a shot can give you an abscess too.
Which brings me to something I learned after doing some research recently. I learned that when you miss a shot, you should apply heat as soon as possible. This was news to me since in the past I've always applied ice the injection site, to reduce the swelling that occurs. But apparently, even though ice will help minimize swelling, it's heat that will help your body to absorb the missed fluid quicker. And you want that shot absorbed as quick as possible so that the fluid is not just sitting in the tissues, which leads to abscesses. Applying heat also speeds up circulation, which in turn speeds up healing as well as infection-fighting potential. Many sites recommend the use of a heating pad or a hot compress (seriously? who has a hot compress just hanging around the house? I just use a really hot towel or washcloth.)
Of course preventative care is always good to. It never hurts to wash hands and injection site before doing your shot. (Honestly I'll admit I only do that about half of the time although I'm trying to be better about it.) Anyway - preventative washing or not - it sure a lot easier on my poor veins to have a nice new rig that is not only clean and sterile but also sharp (hallelujah!) so that I can hit my veins on the first try.